Wednesday 30 May 2012

Take Me to Paris

 Paris. One of the fashion capitols of the world. My dream. To see the city, sights, culture, but most of all, the fashion. My style is defintely more euro vibe than north american. I would feel completely at home there.
If my future husband does not want to travel, then its over. Thankfully the candidate I have now loves to travel and wants to go to europe:p Its also handy that he speaks fluent french too;) Whatta keeper. Anyhow, That would be the key to live in France is to learn myself some Francais.

\As far as my outfit goes today:
shirt, 12m Winners-my amazing workplace where I hardly make any money because I spend it all on all the new clothes:p
Pants, sheer with built in shorts 20 fromWinners
shoes, 5 dollars, Old Navy
earrings, ardene, 5 for 10$
hair bow, ditto
ring, from my sister.
Did I mention I am the queen of deals? Lets not forget my Winners employee discount!
Until Later!

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Hipster? I Think Not

 My most frequently asked question/comment involves asking or commenting that I am a "hipster".
First off, the defs of a hipster says :a person, especially during the 1950s, characterized by a particularly strong sense of alienation from most established social activities and relationships. says:
well, basically the def was 5 paragraphs, but it includes these points:
-independant, into politics, counter culture, indie rock, witty banter
The only similarities between myself and hipsters is this excerpt: Although "hipsterism" is really a state of mind,it is also often intertwined with distinct fashion sensibilities. Hipsters reject the culturally-ignorant attitudes of mainstream consumers, and are often be seen wearing vintage and thrift store inspired fashions, tight-fitting jeans, old-school sneakers, and sometimes thick rimmed glasses.
However, I am inspired by the current trends, but I do look to the more euro-vibe styles for inspiration.
If anything at all, I suppose one could say I have a somewhat hipster like style. But no similarities in personalities whatsoever. I am a social butterfly to say the least.
I really should have posted my outfit today, it was suuups cute.
Pictured is part of my flouncy H&M 15 dollar dress. Also my 5 dollar knee highs (LOOVEE k.h's) from F21, mint coloured. huge colour trend.
Also less than 20$ oxfords from ardene. love that place. Also where i got my 5 for 10$ hair flowers. cutest accessories everrrr.
Cute hair, right? Just did a pony, made a bun, then pinned the edges for a Hepbourne style. Love her.
also, regretting not posting a whole outfit. it was friggin good today. I was on my fashion game.

Sunday 27 May 2012

Heels, Hopes, Head, Standards

 Always keep your head, heels and standards high. Words I choose to live by. I don't settle for less in life, nor in clothing. (but i do get friggin great deals.
Heels heels heels. Pictured is only one of my 50 plus pairs of shoes.
These are the highest of them all. My boyfriend is not a fan, cuz that means he has to stand up straight;)
I love heels. Everyone always asks me why I wear them. A) they`re pretty and girly, b) they dress any outfit up c) a huge confidence booster.
Ive been walking in heels since birth, I swear. I find more comfort in heels than and ballet flat or running shoe (which btw i do not own any runners). If I walk into a room of people I don`t know, I just stand tall in my heels and pretend I am a model. The key is to act like you know what you`re doing. Also something I live by...
The shoes are from TJ maxx- 20 bucks
Pants, sheer with buit in shorts, suuuper trendy! love em. forever21, less than 10 bucks
Earrings, a gift from my best friend who knows what I like:)
New nail polish! Its 2 bucks from F21 called dusty lavender. Great girl band name btw...gotta get my pastel fix before spring ends!|
Till later

Saturday 26 May 2012

Chicken Little

Going to the beach and hanging with friends isn't a chance for me to throw on just anything, it is a chance to dress up and have fun with my outfit, and inspire my friends! The outfit I had on today first off is NOT a see through top and bandeau, which btw is NOT classy or chic. It is a lace top with a bathing suit underneath. Biiiiggg difference. Plus I went to the beach, not just for fun. The entire outfit was savings galore. I looove Tj Maxx and the amazing deals. Plus I get a discount there, which doesn't hurt either;)

Thursday 24 May 2012

Vintage Lover

Means different things to different people. When I think of vintage, I think of pastel colours, lace, beads, springtime, picture frames and good movies.
I love to mix old fashions with new trends. Mint green was a major colour for spring, also the collar necklaces. Pictured here are both, with my vintage bicycle:)
I swear, when all my friends grab a beer, my old soul reaches for the tea and my knitting needles,
but then Ke$ha comes on the radio and I turn back into a 16 year old....
My outfit today: dress, F21, $17
necklace F21 $6
Purse Walmart, $10
shoes (white with pastel pink polka dot flats)
no clue. cheap and cutesy. but painful...

Wednesday 23 May 2012


I am SUCH a girly-girl. Anything lace, sequined, vintage, pretty, I just have to get my hands on it.
The vintage telephone necklace and teacup, spoon, and saucer ring were from the Girbralters (or however you spell it) booth in Grand Bend. $5 each.
My lace top was 5 at Garage (yes i know only 12 year olds still shop there). My skirt was 15 from Forever 21, yes child labour there is excessive, but it is cheap and SOOO cute!
the flower veil was 5 from F21.
Did I mention I LOVE Forever 21?
The other day my friend called me Forever 21.
I am beginning to see the truth in that...
ps, good hair day? I think so.

Blogging is Stylish

Hey friends/readers/fashion lovers! My name is Sara, and this is my blog. If you know me/have me on Facebook, you can probably tell by my album "30 days of outfits" that I am a little obsessed with shopping/fashion. So i decided to stop spamming all of the men/fashion haters on fabo and created my own fashion blog.
A little about me, I am 18, going to Fanshawe (Funshawe) college in the fall for fashion merchandising. AKA fashion business. Every night in highschool before I went to bed, I would spend at least a half hour picking out my entire outfit for the next day, and loving every minute of it. Fashion is the way I stylishly express myself. It is my art.From my nails to my shoes, everything is very carefully planned, therefore every compliment I ever recieve means the world to me.
I've been reading fashion blogs, magazines, creeping celebs and lookbook and youtubers, always looking for new style inspiration, in hopes that I can become someone else's inspiration.
Essentially, this blog is dedicated to fashion and my outfits, cuz let's be honest, if I were a guy, and had MY photos of my outfit every day showing up on my newsfeed, I'd start to unsubscribe from me too...
Anyways, enjoy the blog, the outfits, get inspired and go shopping!