Tuesday 29 May 2012

Hipster? I Think Not

 My most frequently asked question/comment involves asking or commenting that I am a "hipster".
First off, the defs of a hipster
ditcionary.com says :a person, especially during the 1950s, characterized by a particularly strong sense of alienation from most established social activities and relationships.
urbandictionary.com says:
well, basically the def was 5 paragraphs, but it includes these points:
-independant, into politics, counter culture, indie rock, witty banter
The only similarities between myself and hipsters is this excerpt: Although "hipsterism" is really a state of mind,it is also often intertwined with distinct fashion sensibilities. Hipsters reject the culturally-ignorant attitudes of mainstream consumers, and are often be seen wearing vintage and thrift store inspired fashions, tight-fitting jeans, old-school sneakers, and sometimes thick rimmed glasses.
However, I am inspired by the current trends, but I do look to the more euro-vibe styles for inspiration.
If anything at all, I suppose one could say I have a somewhat hipster like style. But no similarities in personalities whatsoever. I am a social butterfly to say the least.
I really should have posted my outfit today, it was suuups cute.
Pictured is part of my flouncy H&M 15 dollar dress. Also my 5 dollar knee highs (LOOVEE k.h's) from F21, mint coloured. huge colour trend.
Also less than 20$ oxfords from ardene. love that place. Also where i got my 5 for 10$ hair flowers. cutest accessories everrrr.
Cute hair, right? Just did a pony, made a bun, then pinned the edges for a Hepbourne style. Love her.
also, regretting not posting a whole outfit. it was friggin good today. I was on my fashion game.

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